Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We Survived Our First Week of Cyber School!!!

         Well our first week of cyber school is officially a thing of the past and even though it was only a 4 day week since last Monday was Labor Day it felt like a 5 day week if not longer.  Now that I am in the capacity of my sons Learning Coach and I'm in charge of their learning I can fully see their deficiencies that may not have been caught by the classroom teachers of yesteryears.  One of the main ones being that they do not follow through with the directions that they are given.  They hear me speaking but they clearly are NOT listening to the words that are coming out of my mouth! One important direction being to reread your assessment questions and answers for a 2nd time before pressing the submit button.  Each son has failed to follow these basic instructions which now forces me to hover and make sure that they are doing so. I also caught my youngest son answering questions during an assignment without bothering to read the passage first. Now this we have discussed on numerous occasions prior to cyber school because this seems to be his mode of operation which always works against him as it would for anyone.

By day 2 I had to put up a partition between my sons because they would not stop talking to each other even during the times that I was trying to give instruction which was very frustrating! I know that this is still new to them as well as to me but my sons know me and they know what my rules are as a parent and as a learning coach but yet they are still willing to see just how far they can test my patience. Nowadays it doesn't go very far especially since they  have a lot of work to get done.

     Now that we are into week two and the Live Lessons have started with the classroom teacher it gives me a break from having to "teach."  The classroom teacher teaches Language Arts and Math (a half an hour for each subject) but they still have to complete those same subjects once the live lesson is over which actually adds to the the length of our day because the actual lesson is about an hour long and the teacher isn't necessarily going over the lesson for that particular day especially, since we are four days ahead of her schedule. So for now this is working against us. I've already told my sons that they will have to start their cyber lessons a half an hour to an hour earlier in order to make up the time spent in Live Lessons.  We will see how that works out for us.  Well, that's all for now. 

Peace and Love.


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