Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Desks, lamps, decorations. Oh My!

         Well, the Summer is quickly disappearing and Autumn is slowly approaching which means "SCHOOL DAYS."  One week from today and cyberschool begins.  I am such a procrastinator!!!  I still have to set up my sons "classroom" which consists of me putting together 2 computer desks that arrived last week along with their desk lamps and setting them up, getting them acclimated to the online classroom (which I have done a little) as well as making their learning environment "school friendly" by decorating the wall with my school decorations.  Oh, and I need to purchase 2 more surge protectors.  Why oh why do I procrastinate so?  I really don't know but it will get done! I have organized their textbooks, workbooks and other supplies on a bookshelf that I'm reusing from my daughter's childhood days so that's all set and ready.  I also went through my learning coach orientation months ago so I'm okay in that area for now. They just completed their school orientation online yesterday and got excited when they saw that they can look at their grades as they progress through the coursework. 

     I still have not put them on their school sleep schedule and that's mainly because they will not have to get up as early as they would have if they were going into a school building. That goes for me as well since I'm a night owl anyway. However, they have been getting themselves up by 7:30 - 8:00AM everyday this week so that's perfect.  The great thing about cyberschool is that the learning coach can make up the class schedule because the only thing that is set in stone are the Live Lessons. For their grade level they have to have 5 hours a day of attendance which isn't bad at all.  The true test will be seeing if all of the work that is required can actually get done in 5 hours a day. Time will tell and I'll keep you posted.

Peace, Love and Blessings.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Learning Coach? Me? Really? Okay, Why Not?

     My countdown has begun and it is 2 weeks and 1 day before I officially take on my new role as my identical twin sons Learning Coach. Am I ready? Of course not! They are excited about the idea of learning online and at home and not having to get up earlier than usual to go into a brick and mortar institution of learning. Thanks to the negative decline of their former Charter School that they attended from grades K-2 and the fact that none of the other 5 or more Charter Schools contacted us to inform us that they were accepted into their schools, Cyberschool/homeschool is about to become "Our New Normal."  Although, I guess I should mention that we did get postcards from one school letting us know that they were 100+ on the the waiting list.  Hmm, maybe they'll get in by the 5th grade which does nothing for us now since they are in the 3rd grade.

     I started this enrollment process back in May after talking to my husband about not hearing back from the Charter Schools that I applied to and us needing to have a back up plan for the new school year. The enrollment process was fairly easy which consisted of filling out information online as well as forms that needed to be faxed to the school. Physicals, immunizations, dental records, etc. are all required just like a regular school and this is because the children will come in contact with other students during face-to-face activities and outings. The enrollment counselor kept in contact with me on a regular basis making sure that I was faxing in all necessary forms and making herself available if I had any questions or concerns. The best part of all is that all of the equipment is provided by the online school (that would be our tax dollars hard at work). Each son/student received their own HP laptop, a wireless printer/scanner that they will share, 2 pairs of headsets, ink for the printer and a huge box full of textbooks, workbooks, handwriting and reading books and other supplies such as a science kit, physical education kit and an art kit. Oh, and I almost failed to mention that we will receive a stipend 3 times during the school year to cover the cost of the internet service.

     Well, that's about all for now.  Keep me in your prayers and I'll do the same for you.  Be blessed.